Swim With Turtles!!!!

Swim with Turtles at Hol Chan Marine Reserve. The nurse sharks and sting rays got competition now.
The Sea Turtles of Belize evolved over 200 million years ago. They are protected in Belize. Once served for dinner and now only photos allowed. The HAWKSBILL turtle with it’s hawk-like beak. A turtle that can get as big as 200lbs and a shell 3 feet across. Likes Coral reefs and sponges. The GREEN Turtle or sometimes referred to as White Turtle as it’s underneath skin is white. Can weigh up to 500 lbs and a shell over 3 feet. Loves coral reefs and sea grass beds. Often found in the shallow area of Hol Chan. The LOGGERHEAD Turtle with it’s large head. Weighing up to 450 lbs and a shell of up to 3 1/2 feet. The loggerhead loves Coral reefs and crustaceans and molluscs. The LEATHERBACK Turtle with it’s soft unique shell. Black with white spots on it’s prominent ridges. They love the open ocean and jellyfish. These gentle giants of up to 1100 lbs and a shell of 6 feet are only seen by few of the lucky ones.
Sea Turtles can live for over a 100 years. So respect your Elders and don’t touch, feed or ride turtles! Besides it is not allowed and you will be fined!
Between the ages of 20 to 50 years the turtle has it’s first breeding. Mating occurs at offshore nesting beaches, which is more than 500 miles away from Belize. Costa Rica, Mexico and Grand Cayman Islands. Several clutches of eggs are laid. They mate at 2 week intervals, after mating they return to their feeding areas. Breeding migration occurs at 2-8 year intervals. Meanwhile back at the beach, hatchlings leave the nest. 1 in 1000 hatchlings survive to adulthood. Very sad odds, I must say. The first 1 -5 years of the turtles lives is open ocean surface feeding. The immature turtles settle out in coastal areas at the size of a basketball. The circle of life continues. The turtles at Hol Chan have been photographed by probably a million people over the last 10 years. They are very used to us, taking photos and sometimes I almost think that they are making sure you get a good photo. Here is some proof.

sea turtles of Belize

Guess that type of Turtle

Green Turtle at Hol Chan

Green Turtle at Hol Chan

Here are websites that help protect Belizean Turtles.
Please keep in mind, that Belize Fisheries Regulations prohibit harvest of all sea turtles in Belize!







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