Dive the Blue Hole

TA Adventures Ltd. is now offering Diving Trips to the Blue Hole at Lighthouse Reef.
This is one amazing trip and must be in the logbook.

The trip is $200USD plus 12.5% gst tax. This price is all inclusive of dive equipment and marine reserve fees. A total of 3 dives. Breakfast in the morning before we take off and lunch at Half Moon Caye Island. Depart at 6:30am and return by 4:30pm

Blue Hole

Blue Hole

Half Moon Caye Wall

Half Moon Caye Wall

Here are the details of the trip.

A world class site made famous by Jack Cousteau and designated as a world heritage location. The Blue Hole is indisputably the most famous diving area in Belize and it’s one of the best-known dives in the world. Half Moon Caye is the second stop of the day. We start on a sandy, flat, broad seabed about 15 feet deep. Imprints of sting-rays and conchs, leading to patches of sea grass. Garden eels pro-truding from the sand, sinuously moving together then vanishing rapidly as you approach. The floor rises to reef colonized by a multitude of sponges and gorgonians. A wealth, of large black coral trees, every type of sponge & large coral formations, hard corals colonize busy with marine life. Eagle rays, turtles, mantas, morays may be sighted. We spend time on Half Moon Caye where have a nice picnic lunch and time to explore the island to see the red footed booby birds. Last stop, “The Aquarium” located on the western side of the reef, near the northern tip of Long Caye. This site is luxuriant in marine life. Eagle rays are common and schools of jacks and solitary barracudas. Aquarium clearly owes its name to its wealth of species.

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